Thursday, March 4, 2010

This carpet aint gonna fly itself

Im starting this thing to highlight all of the stupid things that happen to me in my daily life while in India for two months. If anything, it will be easy for me to look back and laugh at a lot of situations I have found myself in that dont make sense.

Getting here was a trek. Tuesday night, got drunk and Thuggy passed out in the garage. I got woken up at 3 am to what sounded like someone falling into walls, it was loud. I tried to go back to sleep, but it kept happening, and I had to pee, so I opened the door to the garage and Thuggy is standing in the dark behind a bunch of furniture. I ask "what the fuck are you doing in the dark" he responds, "just fightin for my right to party, ya feel me." He had been passed out for 3 hours at this point. Laters sleep that night. Woke up, and thought I lost my ipod. I didnt, but am still at the conclusion that I cant own nice things.

Morning was nice in San Jose, but San Francisco was pouring,windy, and cold. Plane ride was awesome. Nicest ride ever. Still dont know how I ended up in Dubai, in a smoke room that was not ventalated. People were squatting in this room, to get away from all the smoke near the ceiling. Get on plane in Dubai to get to India, and the clusterfuck has begun. Someone needs to tell them "this isnt Vietnom, there are rules". People getting up before we get to the terminal, hella people. People rushing to get off the plane, pushing and what not. Luckily, got my bags with no problem. People were sleeping on the grass outside the airport. The ride from the airport was too sketch. Hella dark, with the steering wheel on the right side of the car. My seat belt didnt work, so the driver wrapped it around the emergency brake. He ran up on a motorcycle, and honked the shit outta him, instead of going around. Hotel seems nice, but me and Greg are sharing a room until 8 am. I dont know what time it is, or day, hahaha.

So far, India looks like a slum warzone, but thats only in the dark, and I first got sketched out because I thought we would be in a city, which I guess is defined in different ways with different people. A 30 minute drive in pitch black dark, to buildings that look like they are falling apart, and people everywhere at 4 am. I'll prolly change my mind on this when the sun comes up. A few wild dogs came up on me while smoking a ciggarrette and our driver doesnt look when turning, he just merges and honks. Panic attack.

I have yet to finish my to do list, but feel free to make me one, and I will try to accomplish all tasks. I hope to update this daily, or a few times a week, along with pics. Aye fool, where are all the flying carpets. Yes sir. Yes Sir.

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